Friday, October 1, 2010

Give Me a Break!

I should probably introduce myself first, but hey, "Give me a break!"
If I were to wait until I had a good bio and introduction, as I have waited for years now, this Blog of the Penta Mom would still exist only in my head, for my inner voice's egoistic pleasure.  And quite frankly, I'm getting tired of my inner voice tossing its ideas around in my head. It's time to get some of them out.

So, "Give Me a Break!" , eh! ...2 wee letters can reveal so much....

I get these ideas now and then and this one has been squirming around in my head for a few days now. Wait, let me be more honest, it's closer to 16 years now. Let's go back to after my first of the "pentas" was born, nearly 16 years ago. I recall (without fondness) hearing this advice, "You need a break!", "You DESERVE a break!", "You need some YOU time". I distinctly recall feeling confused. "A break from what?" I would ask myself. "What do  I need a break from?"
 "You must be exhausted", they would say, "You need a break, some time for you".  Ideas in my head were foggy, although I could certainly acknowledge that I was in fact completely exhausted. But something didn't feel quite right about this advice, this desire to help me.....even inside my foggy brain I could see that this getting a break that they spoke of would mean time away from my baby. And that clearly was not going to happen. The idea of being away from him, well it just felt wrong.

Little did I know how that feeling was likely one of my first cues that my life as a parent was not going to follow the beaten path.  That it was one of the first of many more dots to come on my path to the discovery of the joys of unschooling.

So the only break I'll be asking for on this Blog of the Penta Mom, is the "Give Me a Break!" that might be a way of asking you to cut me some slack for the potentially long breaks between posts. I don't anticipate needing a break from my life any time soon. I love my life!